Regular Meeting February 4, 2010
(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 9:00 am at the City of Anderson Council Chambers, 1887 Howard Street, Anderson, CA. Commissioners Dickerson, Fust, Gover, Haynes and Webster were present. Commissioners Baugh and Kehoe were absent. Executive Officer Mickelson and Clerk Smith were present as staff.

Commissioner Haynes led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted.

The minutes of December 10, 2009 were presented. By motion made and seconded (Haynes, Dickerson) the Commission approved the December 10, 2009 minutes. Commissioner Webster abstained.

Consideration of Checking Account Statements
Ms. Mickelson presented the following bank statements: US Bank: two statements dated November 30, 2009 and December 31, 2009; Tri Counties Bank: two statements dated December 17, 2009 and January 18, 2010; and LAIF: two statements dated November 2009 and December 2009. By motion made and seconded (Dickerson, Fust) the Commission approved the bank statements as presented.

Fiscal Year 2009-10 2nd and 3rd Quarter Transaction Register
The 2nd and 3rd Quarter Transaction Register was presented for review and adoption. By motion made and seconded (Webster, Fust) the Commission approved the Fiscal Year 2009-10 2nd and 3rd Quarter Transaction Register.

Fiscal Year 2009-10 Mid Year Budget Update
Ms. Mickelson reviewed with the Commission the Mid Year Budget for Shasta LAFCO. She noted that LAFCO is on track to meet budget expectations and plans to continue to do so through the end of the fiscal year due to staff maintaining a minimalistic and very careful approach to spending.

By motion made and seconded (Webster, Fust), the Commission approved the Fiscal Year 2009-10 Mid Year Budget Update as presented.

Formation of Budget Committee
Ms. Mickelson stated that during the 2009-2010 Budget process the Commission determined that a Budget Committee would be a useful addition to the budget creation and review process. She estimated that there would be approximately 2-3 meetings prior to April, 2010 in which the appointed Committee members would be asked to participate in. Discussion followed.

By motion made and seconded (Fust Dickerson), the Commission appointed Commissioner Baugh, Alternate Commissioner Farr and Alternate Commissioner Mathena to serve on the Budget Committee. The Chair also designated Alternate Commissioner Mathena to serve as Chair of the Committee and Commissioner Kehoe to serve as an alternate Committee member.

Report on Upcoming or Potential Proposals
The Executive Officer provided a brief report to the Commissioners regarding upcoming and expected proposals. This was an information item only. No action was taken.

Municipal Services Reviews
Ms. Mickelson provided the Commission with the current MSR update. Commissioner Haynes asked if staff had received an answer in regard to the Commission’s authority to exempt specific types of districts. Ms. Mickelson stated that she recently spoke with Counsel Johnson regarding this matter and expects to have a report from legal counsel within the coming weeks.

CFPPC Form 700 Distribution and Instructions
Ms. Mickelson reminded the Commissioners that the Form 700 is needed in the LAFCO office no later than April 1, 2010 with an original signature.

Update on CALAFCO Board Action on Regional Proposal
Ms. Mickelson presented the Commission with an update on the CALAFCO Board Action on Regional Proposal. No action was taken.

Possible LAFCO- Sponsored Educational Workshop for Special Districts
Ms. Mickelson stated that over the past year, LAFCO has been contacted numerous times from the Grand Jury as well as several special districts in regard to potentially offering education opportunities. Ms. Mickelson stated that she has been in contact with California Special Districts Association and discussed the possibility of a joint effort to provide an education opportunity in Shasta County.

In regard to regard to the cost of such a workshop, Ms. Mickelson stated that the participant’s registration would cover the actual cost of the workshop and LAFCO would work diligently to keeps registration fees as low as possible.

The Commissioners expressed their support for the proposed workshop. Commissioner Fust stated that many board members are not familiar with the Brown Act and this would be a good opportunity to help educate them.

Commissioner Dickerson suggested finding ways to make attendance as high as possible. He suggested possibly utilizing the media as an effective means.

By motion made and seconded (Haynes, Webster), the Commission directed staff to seek input and weigh interest from the special districts in the area in regard to a LAFCO sponsored educational workshop.

Commissioner Webster announced that the first house was sold in the Vineyards subdivision.

Commissioner Farr asked staff to research if a quorum is based on the majority of members present at a Commission meeting or if it’s based on membership. He also stated that he was on the CSDA board for 6-7 years and would be available to help in anyway with the workshop staff proposed at today’s meeting.

The next LAFCO Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 1, 2010 at the Shasta County Administrative Center. A special meeting will likely be held on May 6, 2010. The location of that meeting will be announced when known.

Ms. Mickelson stated that each of the Commissioners will be receiving a mailed self- evaluation for the Executive Officer along with a blank evaluation for the Commissioners to complete and return to the Chair. Full instructions will be included with the evaluation.

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 9:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Smith
Clerk to the Commission


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