March 5, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.
Redding City Council
777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA 96001

The Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to be held as noticed above. Meeting times and locations may be changed from time to time when necessary. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. If requested, the agenda and its documents shall be made available alternate formats to persons with a disability pursuant to Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of written request, the requested materials will be mailed at the time the agenda is posted pursuant to Government Code 54954.2. Attachments for this meeting are available in PDF on the agenda posted on our website at: www.shasta.lafco.ca.gov . Please let us know if you have difficulties downloading the attachments.

a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance offered by Commissioner Dick Fyten


Members of the public are invited to address the Commission at this time regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this agenda, and that are within the jurisdiction of LAFCO. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

a. Additions/Changes to the Agenda* Chair/Counsel

*Note: Only the following additions/changes are permitted: (1) To change the order of noticed agenda items, (2) determine to continue or not consider a noticed agenda item, or (3) Discussion/Action on an item not appearing on the posted agenda if a defined statutory emergency situation is determined to exist by a majority vote of the legislative body (GC 56954.2(b)(1) and GC 54956.5)

b. Business/Campaign Conflict Disclosures**

**Note: Government C ode Section 84608 requires that a Commissioner (regular or alternate) disqualify herself or himself and not participate in a proceeding involving an “entitlement for use” application if, within the last twelve (12) months, the Commissioner has received $250.00 or more in business or campaign contributions from an applicant, an agent of an applicant, or any financially interested person who actively supports or opposes a decision on the matter. A LAFCO decision approving a proposal (e.g., for an annexation) will often be an “entitlement for use” within the meaning of Section 84308. Sphere of Influence determinations are exempt under Government Code Section 84308. If you are an applicant or an agent of an applicant on such a matter to be heard by the Commission and you have made business or campaign contributions totaling $250.00 or more to any Commissioner in the past twelve (12) months, Section 84308(d) requires that you disclose that fact for the official record of the proceeding. The disclosure of any such contribution (including the amount of the contribution and the name of the recipient Commissioner) must be made either 1) in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Commission prior to the hearing on the matter, or 2) By oral declaration made at the time the hearing on the matter is opened.

a. Request to appoint new member to fill vacancy caused by resignation

5. CONSENT CALENDAR (Government Coded 56857):

a. Approval of minutes: None

b. Financial Status Reports: None

c. Notification of new and/or status of pending applications (Information only)
1) #2012-03 – Mayers Memorial HD/Annexation #1; (receiving updated agency comments)
2) #2013-03 – Mountain Gate CSD/Union School Road Reorganization (Property Tax Exchange pending)
3) #2013-04 – Deschutes Reorganization (completed and recorded 1/28/2015)
4) #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization (received 07/10/2014) Property Tax Exchange completed; Certificate of Filing issued for 04/02/2015 hearing date
5) #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation (received 07/15/2014) Property Tax Exchange completed; Certificate of Filing issued for 04/02/2015 hearing date

6. Payment of Claims FY 2014-2015: None

7. Correspondence (Information only; no action) :

Please Note: Only those issues which are brought up at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the LAFCO Commissioners at or prior to the hearing, may be raised in any legal challenge to the actions taken by the Commission. A copy LAFCO hearing protocols are available from the Clerk.
a. Fall River Valley Coordinated FPD Service Area SOI (continued from February 19, 2015) Proposed Action: Close continued public hearing, and schedule a new noticed public hearing for April 2, 2015.

9. NEW BUSINESS: Miscellaneous non-project or Commission initiated matters: None



Members of the public may ask to address the Commission at this time regarding any item appearing below prior to the Commission adjourning to closed session. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission on presented comments prior to entering closed session. Any actions taken by the Commission during the subsequent closed session on the matters below will be announced at the at the conclusion of the closed session in open session.


a. Conferences, meetings, and events of interest to Commissioners: None
b. Next Regular Meeting: April 2nd at the Anderson City Council Chambers
1) Proposed agenda items:
a. Draft Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2015
b. #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization
c. #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation


For purposes of transparency, the relevant code section authorizing the closed session is cited below:

California Government Code
CHAPTER 9. Meetings [54950 – 54963]
(Chapter 9 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1588.)

(a) This chapter shall not be construed to prevent the legislative body of a local agency from holding closed sessions with the Governor, Attorney General, district attorney, agency counsel, sheriff, or chief of police, or their respective deputies, or a security consultant or a security operations manager, on matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, a threat to the security of essential public services, including water, drinking water, wastewater treatment, natural gas service, and electric service, or a threat to the public’s right of access to public services or public facilities.
(b) (1) Subject to paragraph (2), this chapter shall not be construed to prevent the legislative body of a local agency from holding closed sessions during a regular or special meeting to consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against the employee by another person or employee unless the employee requests a public session.
(2) As a condition to holding a closed session on specific complaints or charges brought against an employee by another person or employee, the employee shall be given written notice of his or her right to have the complaints or charges heard in an open session rather than a closed session, which notice shall be delivered to the employee personally or by mail at least 24 hours before the time for holding the session. If notice is not given, any disciplinary or other action taken by the legislative body against the employee based on the specific complaints or charges in the closed session shall be null and void.
(3) The legislative body also may exclude from the public or closed meeting, during the examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated by the legislative body.
(4) For the purposes of this subdivision, the term “employee” shall include an officer or an independent contractor who functions as an officer or an employee but shall not include any elected official, member of a legislative body or other independent contractors. This subdivision shall not limit local officials’ ability to hold closed session meetings pursuant to Sections 1461, 32106, and 32155 of the Health and Safety Code or Sections 37606 and 37624.3 of the Government Code. Closed sessions held pursuant to this subdivision shall not include discussion or action on proposed compensation except for a reduction of compensation that results from the imposition of discipline. (Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 11, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2014.)

January 29, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.
Board of Supervisors’ Chambers
1450 Court Street, Redding, CA 96001

The Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to be held as noticed above. Meeting times and locations may be changed from time to time when necessary. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. If requested, the agenda and its documents shall be made available alternate formats to persons with a disability pursuant to Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of written request, the requested materials will be mailed at the time the agenda is posted pursuant to Government Code 54954.2. Attachments for this meeting are available in PDF on the agenda posted on our website at: www.shasta.lafco.ca.gov . Please let us know if you have difficulties downloading the attachments.

a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance offered by Commissioner Baugh


Members of the public are invited to address the Commission at this time regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this agenda, and that are within the jurisdiction of LAFCO. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

a. Additions/Changes to the Agenda* Chair/Counsel

*Note: Only the following additions/changes are permitted: (1) To change the order of noticed agenda items, (2) determine to continue or not consider a noticed agenda item, or (3) Discussion/Action on an item not appearing on the posted agenda if a defined statutory emergency situation is determined to exist by a majority vote of the legislative body (GC 56954.2(b)(1) and GC 54956.5)
b. Business/Campaign Conflict Disclosures**

**Note: Government C ode Section 84608 requires that a Commissioner (regular or alternate) disqualify herself or himself and not participate in a proceeding involving an “entitlement for use” application if, within the last twelve (12) months, the Commissioner has received $250.00 or more in business or campaign contributions from an applicant, an agent of an applicant, or any financially interested person who actively supports or opposes a decision on the matter. A LAFCO decision approving a proposal (e.g., for an annexation) will often be an “entitlement for use” within the meaning of Section 84308. Sphere of Influence determinations are exempt under Government Code Section 84308. If you are an applicant or an agent of an applicant on such a matter to be heard by the Commission and you have made business or campaign contributions totaling $250.00 or more to any Commissioner in the past twelve (12) months, Section 84308(d) requires that you disclose that fact for the official record of the proceeding. The disclosure of any such contribution (including the amount of the contribution and the name of the recipient Commissioner) must be made either 1) in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Commission prior to the hearing on the matter, or 2) By oral declaration made at the time the hearing on the matter is opened.

5. CONSENT CALENDAR (Government Coded 56857): None
a. Approval of minutes: None
b. Financial Status Reports: None
c. Notification/Status of pending and/or new applications (Information only)
1) #2012-03 – Mayers Memorial HD/Annexation #1; (awaiting responses to circulation documents)
2) #2013-03 – Mountain Gate CSD/Union School Road Reorganization (pending completion of Property Tax Exchange agreements)
3) #2013-04 – Deschutes Reorganization (awaiting submittal of final documents and fees)
4) #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization received 07/10/2014 (Property Tax Exchange time extended by request of County 12/05/2014)
5) #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation received 07/15/2014 (Property Tax Exchange time extended by request of County 12/05/2014)
6. Payment of Claims FY 2014-2015: (None requested)
7. Correspondence (Information only; no action) : None
Please Note: Only those issues which are brought up at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the LAFCO Commissioners at or prior to the hearing, may be raised in any legal challenge to the actions taken by the Commission. A copy LAFCO hearing protocols are available from the Clerk.

9. NEW BUSINESS: Miscellaneous non-project or Commission initiated matters: (possible action) None

Members of the public may ask to address the Commission at this time regarding any item appearing below prior to the Commission adjourning to closed session. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission on presented comments prior to entering closed session. Any actions taken by the Commission during the subsequent closed session on the matters below will be announced at the at the conclusion of the closed session in open session.

a. Consider the Appointment, Employment, or Evaluation of Performance of Executive Officer Pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54957(b) (see attachment)

a. Conferences, meetings, and events of interest to Commissioners: None
b. Next Regular Meeting: February 19th at the Shasta Lake City Council Chambers
c. Future proposed agenda items: Presentation of applications as they mature to hearing stage.


For purposes of transparency, the relevant code section for the closed session is cited below:

California Government Code
CHAPTER 9. Meetings [54950 – 54963]
(Chapter 9 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1588.)

(a) This chapter shall not be construed to prevent the legislative body of a local agency from holding closed sessions with the Governor, Attorney General, district attorney, agency counsel, sheriff, or chief of police, or their respective deputies, or a security consultant or a security operations manager, on matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, a threat to the security of essential public services, including water, drinking water, wastewater treatment, natural gas service, and electric service, or a threat to the public’s right of access to public services or public facilities.
(b) (1) Subject to paragraph (2), this chapter shall not be construed to prevent the legislative body of a local agency from holding closed sessions during a regular or special meeting to consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against the employee by another person or employee unless the employee requests a public session.
(2) As a condition to holding a closed session on specific complaints or charges brought against an employee by another person or employee, the employee shall be given written notice of his or her right to have the complaints or charges heard in an open session rather than a closed session, which notice shall be delivered to the employee personally or by mail at least 24 hours before the time for holding the session. If notice is not given, any disciplinary or other action taken by the legislative body against the employee based on the specific complaints or charges in the closed session shall be null and void.
(3) The legislative body also may exclude from the public or closed meeting, during the examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated by the legislative body.
(4) For the purposes of this subdivision, the term “employee” shall include an officer or an independent contractor who functions as an officer or an employee but shall not include any elected official, member of a legislative body or other independent contractors. This subdivision shall not limit local officials’ ability to hold closed session meetings pursuant to Sections 1461, 32106, and 32155 of the Health and Safety Code or Sections 37606 and 37624.3 of the Government Code. Closed sessions held pursuant to this subdivision shall not include discussion or action on proposed compensation except for a reduction of compensation that results from the imposition of discipline.
(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 11, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2014.)

December 18, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
Redding City Council Chambers
777 East Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA 96001

The Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to be held as noticed above. Meeting times and locations may be changed from time to time when necessary. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. If requested, the agenda and its documents shall be made available alternate formats to persons with a disability pursuant to Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of written request, the requested materials will be mailed at the time the agenda is posted pursuant to Government Code 54954.2. Attachments for this meeting are available in PDF on the agenda posted on our website at: www.shasta.lafco.ca.gov . Please let us know if you have difficulties downloading the attachments.

a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance offered by Commissioner Yarbrough


Members of the public are invited to address the Commission at this time regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this agenda, and that are within the jurisdiction of LAFCO. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

a. Additions/Changes to the Agenda* Chair/Counsel

*Note: Only the following additions/changes are permitted: (1) To change the order of noticed agenda items, (2) determine to continue or not consider a noticed agenda item, or (3) Discussion/Action on an item not appearing on the posted agenda if a defined statutory emergency situation is determined to exist by a majority vote of the legislative body (GC 56954.2(b)(1) and GC 54956.5)

b. Business/Campaign Conflict Disclosures**

**Note: Government C ode Section 84608 requires that a Commissioner (regular or alternate) disqualify herself or himself and not participate in a proceeding involving an “entitlement for use” application if, within the last twelve (12) months, the Commissioner has received $250.00 or more in business or campaign contributions from an applicant, an agent of an applicant, or any financially interested person who actively supports or opposes a decision on the matter. A LAFCO decision approving a proposal (e.g., for an annexation) will often be an “entitlement for use” within the meaning of Section 84308. Sphere of Influence determinations are exempt under Government Code Section 84308. If you are an applicant or an agent of an applicant on such a matter to be heard by the Commission and you have made business or campaign contributions totaling $250.00 or more to any Commissioner in the past twelve (12) months, Section 84308(d) requires that you disclose that fact for the official record of the proceeding. The disclosure of any such contribution (including the amount of the contribution and the name of the recipient Commissioner) must be made either 1) in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Commission prior to the hearing on the matter, or 2) By oral declaration made at the time the hearing on the matter is opened.


5. CONSENT CALENDAR (Government Coded 56857)
a. Approval of minutes: None

b. Financial Status Reports: None

c. Notification/Status of pending and/or new applications (Information only)
1) #2012-03 – Mayers Memorial HD/Annexation #1; (awaiting responses to circulation documents)
2) #2013-03 – Mountain Gate CSD/Union School Road Reorganization (pending completion of Property Tax Exchange agreements)
3) #2013-04 – Deschutes Reorganization (awaiting submittal of final documents and fees)
4) #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization received 07/10/2014 (Property Tax Exchange time extended by request of County 12/05/2014)
5) #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation received 07/15/2014 (Property Tax Exchange time extended by request of County 12/05/2014)

6. Payment of Claims FY 2014-2015: (Action requested)
a. Consulting Services Claims
1) LAFCO #2012-03: Annexation No. 1 (Mayers Memorial Healthcare District)

7. Correspondence (Information only)
a. Letter from Shasta County re Foxwood 2 Reorganization/Shasta CSD
b. Letter from Shasta County re Highmark Annexation/Burney Water District
c. Letter from Fall River Mills FPD
d. Minutes from McArthur FPD
e. Article on Shasta LAFCO in the Record Searchlight
f.  Editorial in Mountain Echo newspaper
g. Amended Staff Report: Response to Comments from 11/20/2014 Meeting
h. Letter from Bert Stead – CSA #6 – Jones Valley Resident

Please Note: Only those issues which are brought up at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the LAFCO Commissioners at or prior to the hearing, may be raised in any legal challenge to the actions taken by the Commission. A copy LAFCO hearing protocols are available from the Clerk.

a. Executive Officer discussion about organization of scheduled hearings

b. SOI/MSR Update Hearings:

1) CSA #13 – Alpine Meadows, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H
2) CSA #14 – Belmont, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G
3) CSA #17 – Cottonwood, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F 1, Exhibit F 2, Exhibit G, Exhibit H
4) CSA #25 – Keswick, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G
5) CSA #6 – Jones Valley, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H
6) Bella Vista Water District, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J, Exhibit K, Exhibit L, Exhibit M, Exhibit N, Exhibit O 
7) City of Redding, Exhibit A, Exhibit BExhibit CExhibit DExhibit EExhibit FExhibit GExhibit HExhibit IExhibit JExhibit KExhibit LExhibit M aExhibit M bExhibit NExhibit OExhibit PExhibit Q, Exhibit R
8) Buckeye Fire Protection District (See City of Redding SOI Section 3.b.4. beginning at page 34 for further information on fire services.  Currently Buckeye contracts with the City of Redding for all fire services.)
9) Fall River Valley Coordinated FPD SOI, Exhibit A 1, Exhibit A 2, Exhibit A 3, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J
10) Fall River Mills Fire Protection District (See Fall River Valley Coordinated FPD SOI report for further information)

c. Non-Functional CSAs Proposed for “Zero” SOI (Action requested; consider as one unit)

1) CSA #5 – Silverbridge (not completed; removed from consideration)
2) CSA #9 – Whispering Oaks
3) CSA #10 – Shasta Lake Ranchos
4) CSA #12 – Holiday Acres
5) CSA #16 – Termey Drain (not approved by LAFCO; removed from consideration)
6) CSA #18 – Cairns Road
7) CSA #19 – River Oaks
8) CSA #21 – Anderwood
9) CSA #22 – Ox Yoke (already dissolved; removed from consideration)
10) CSA #24 – White Oak
11) CSA #26 – Knighton Road

9. NEW BUSINESS: Miscellaneous non-project or Commission initiated matters: (possible action)
a. Consider Renewal Building Rental Agreement (Set for January 8, 2015 agenda)
b. Consider Renewal of Legal Counsel Contract (Set for January 8, 2015 agenda)
c. Consider Renewal of Executive Officer Contract (Set for January 8, 2015 agenda)

a. Continued, non-hearing related matters (Possible Action): None
b. Commission Committee Reports (information):
1) Fiscal Committee
2) Executive Committee
3) Next Commission Committee Meetings @ Shasta LAFCO offices:
i. December 29, 2014 for 01/08 special meeting (Fiscal, 10 AM; Executive 3 PM)
ii. January 26, 2015 for 02/05 regular meeting (Fiscal, 10 AM; Executive, 3 PM)

a. Administrative & Operations
b. SOI/MSR Update: Future Scheduling of Remaining Studies, if any

12. CLOSED SESSION: None scheduled.


a. Conferences, meetings, and events of interest to Commissioners: None
b. Next Scheduled Meeting: January 8, 2015 at the Anderson City Council Chambers
c. Future proposed agenda items:
1) Continuation of MSR/SOI reviews, if any;
2) Presentation of applications as they mature to hearing stage (see Item 5.c. for current applications).


December 4, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
Shasta Lake City Council Chambers
4488 Red Bluff Street, Shasta Lake City, CA 96019

The Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to be held as noticed above. Meeting times and locations may be changed from time to time when necessary. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. If requested, the agenda and its documents shall be made available alternate formats to persons with a disability pursuant to Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of written request, the requested materials will be mailed at the time the agenda is posted pursuant to Government Code 54954.2. Attachments for this meeting are available in PDF on the agenda posted on our website at: www.shasta.lafco.ca.gov . Please let us know if you have difficulties downloading the attachments.

a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance offered by Commissioner Haynes


Members of the public are invited to address the Commission at this time regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this agenda, and that are within the jurisdiction of LAFCO. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

a. Additions/Changes to the Agenda* Chair/Counsel

*Note: Only the following additions/changes are permitted: (1) To change the order of noticed agenda items, (2) determine to continue or not consider a noticed agenda item, or (3) Discussion/Action on an item not appearing on the posted agenda if a defined statutory emergency situation is determined to exist by a majority vote of the legislative body (GC 56954.2(b)(1) and GC 54956.5)

b. Business/Campaign Conflict Disclosures**

**Note: Government C ode Section 84608 requires that a Commissioner (regular or alternate) disqualify herself or himself and not participate in a proceeding involving an “entitlement for use” application if, within the last twelve (12) months, the Commissioner has received $250.00 or more in business or campaign contributions from an applicant, an agent of an applicant, or any financially interested person who actively supports or opposes a decision on the matter. A LAFCO decision approving a proposal (e.g., for an annexation) will often be an “entitlement for use” within the meaning of Section 84308. Sphere of Influence determinations are exempt under Government Code Section 84308. If you are an applicant or an agent of an applicant on such a matter to be heard by the Commission and you have made business or campaign contributions totaling $250.00 or more to any Commissioner in the past twelve (12) months, Section 84308(d) requires that you disclose that fact for the official record of the proceeding. The disclosure of any such contribution (including the amount of the contribution and the name of the recipient Commissioner) must be made either 1) in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Commission prior to the hearing on the matter, or 2) By oral declaration made at the time the hearing on the matter is opened.


5. CONSENT CALENDAR (Government Coded 56857)

Note: The items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine business and will be voted upon together by one motion, unless a Commission member requests a specific item be removed and acted on separately or just discussed.

a. Approval of minutes
1) November 6, 2014 Meeting
2) November 20, 2014 Meeting

b. Financial Status Reports
1) Budget v. Actual
2) Financial Statement
3) Balance Sheet

c. Notification/Status of pending and/or new applications (information only)
1) #2012-03 – Mayers Memorial HD/Annexation #1; (circulated to agencies)
2) #2013-03 – Mountain Gate CSD/Union School Road Reorganization (pending completion of Property Tax Exchange agreements)
3) #2013-04 – Deschutes Reorganization (on 9/11/2014 applicant requested LAFCO delay filing notice of completion; project in abeyance, awaiting submittal of final documents and fees)
4) #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization received 07/10/2014 (circulated to agencies)
5) #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation received 07/15/2014 (circulated to agencies)

6. Payment of Claims FY 2014-2015

a. Consulting Services Claims
1) 2012-03 Annexation No. 1 (Mayers Memorial Healthcare District)

7. Correspondence (information only) None

Please Note: Only those issues which are brought up at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the LAFCO Commissioners at or prior to the hearing, may be raised in any legal challenge to the actions taken by the Commission.

a. Executive Officer report re scheduled hearings

b. SOI/MSR Update Hearings:
1) CSA #3 – Castella – Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F
2) CSA #23 – Crag ViewExhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I
3) CSA #8 – Palo CedroExhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G
4) CSA #11 – French GulchExhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G

9. NEW BUSINESS: Miscellaneous non-project or Commission initiated matters
a. Renew Building Rental Agreement (Discussion/Action)

a. Continued, non-hearing related matters (Possible Action):
b. Commission Committee Reports (information):
1) Fiscal Committee
2) Executive Committee
3) Next Committee Meetings @ Shasta LAFCO offices:
i. December 11, 2014 for 12/18 special meeting (Executive, 3 PM)
ii. December 29, 2014 for 01/08 special meeting (Fiscal, 10 AM ; Executive 3 PM)

a. Administrative & Operations
b. SOI/MSR Update: Future Scheduling of Remaining Studies
c. Update on Processes for Release of Reports to the Public
d. Response to Certain Comments

a. Items: None.
b. Announcement of reportable actions, if any.


a. Conferences, meetings, and events of interest to Commissioners:
b. Next Meeting: December 18th at the Redding City Council Chambers
c. Future proposed agenda items:
1) Completion of miscellaneous MSR/SOI reviews
2) Presentation of applications as they mature to hearing stage.


November 20, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
Anderson City Council Chambers
1877 Howard Street, 3rd Floor, Anderson, CA 96007

The Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to be held as noticed above. Meeting times and locations may be changed from time to time when necessary. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. If requested, the agenda and its documents shall be made available alternate formats to persons with a disability pursuant to Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of written request, the requested materials will be mailed at the time the agenda is posted pursuant to Government Code 54954.2. Attachments for this meeting are available in PDF on the agenda posted on our website at: www.shasta.lafco.ca.gov . Please let us know if you have difficulties downloading the attachments.

a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance offered by Commissioner Fust


Members of the public are invited to address the Commission at this time regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this agenda, and that are within the jurisdiction of LAFCO. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

a. Additions/Changes to the Agenda* Chair/Counsel

*Note: Only the following additions/changes are permitted: (1) To change the order of noticed agenda items, (2) determine to continue or not consider a noticed agenda item, or (3) Discussion/Action on an item not appearing on the posted agenda if a defined statutory emergency situation is determined to exist by a majority vote of the legislative body (GC 56954.2(b) (1) and GC 54956.5)

b. Business/Campaign Conflict Disclosures**

**Note: Government C ode Section 84608 requires that a Commissioner (regular or alternate) disqualify herself or himself and not participate in a proceeding involving an “entitlement for use” application if, within the last twelve (12) months, the Commissioner has received $250.00 or more in business or campaign contributions from an applicant, an agent of an applicant, or any financially interested person who actively supports or opposes a decision on the matter. A LAFCO decision approving a proposal (e.g., for an annexation) will often be an “entitlement for use” within the meaning of Section 84308. Sphere of Influence determinations are exempt under Government Code Section 84308. If you are an applicant or an agent of an applicant on such a matter to be heard by the Commission and you have made business or campaign contributions totaling $250.00 or more to any Commissioner in the past twelve (12) months, Section 84308(d) requires that you disclose that fact for the official record of the proceeding. The disclosure of any such contribution (including the amount of the contribution and the name of the recipient Commissioner) must be made either 1) in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Commission prior to the hearing on the matter, or 2) By oral declaration made at the time the hearing on the matter is opened.


5. CONSENT CALENDAR (Government Coded 56857) NONE
Note: The items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine business and will be voted upon together by one motion, unless a Commission member requests a specific item be removed and acted on separately or just discussed.

a. Approval of minutes: None

b. Financial Status Reports: None

c. Notification/Status of pending and/or new applications (information only)

1) #2012-03 – Mayers Memorial HD/Annexation #1; (under review)
2) #2013-03 – Mountain Gate CSD/Union School Road Reorganization (pending completion of Property Tax Exchange agreements)
3) #2013-04 – Deschutes Reorganization (on 9/11/2014 applicant requested LAFCO delay filing notice of completion; project in abeyance, awaiting submittal of final documents and fees)
4) #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization received 07/10/2014 (awaiting Property Tax Exchange agreements)
5) #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation received 07/15/2014 (awaiting Property Tax Exchange agreements)

6. Payment of Claims FY 2014-2015: None

7. Correspondence (information only)

a. Bella Vista Water District

Please Note: Only those issues which are brought up at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the LAFCO Commissioners at or prior to the hearing, may be raised in any legal challenge to the actions taken by the Commission.

a. Executive Officer report re scheduled hearings

b. Continued SOI/MSR Update Hearings: NONE

c. SOI/MSR Update Hearings:
1) Bella Vista Water District (Request for Continuance received)
2) Clear Creek Community Services District; Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J, Exhibit K, Exhibit L, Exhibit M, Exhibit N, Exhibit O, Exhibit P, Exhibit Q, Exhibit R, Exhibit S
3) City of ReddingExhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J, Exhibit K, Exhibit L, Exhibit M a, Exhibit M b, Exhibit N, Exhibit O, Exhibit P, Exhibit Q
4) Buckeye Fire Protection District

9. NEW BUSINESS: Miscellaneous non-project or Commission initiated matters: None

a. Continued, non-hearing related matters (Possible Action): None
b. Commission Committee Reports (information):
1) Executive Committee
2) Next Committee Meetings @ Shasta LAFCO offices:
i. November 24, 2014 for 12/04 regular meeting (Fiscal, 10 AM ; Executive 3 PM)
ii. December 8, 2014 for 12/18 special meeting (Executive, 3 PM)

a. Administrative & Operations
b. Master MSR/SOI Study Update

12. CLOSED SESSION None Scheduled


a. Conferences, meetings, and events of interest to Commissioners:
b. Next Scheduled Meeting: December 4th at the Shasta Lake City Council Chambers
c. Future proposed agenda items:
1) Continuation of MSR/SOI reviews;
2) Presentation of applications as they mature to hearing stage.


November 6, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
Board of Supervisors Chambers
Shasta County Administration Building
1450 Court Street, Redding, California 96001

The Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to be held as noticed above. Meeting times and locations may be changed from time to time when necessary. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. If requested, the agenda and its documents shall be made available alternate formats to persons with a disability pursuant to Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of written request, the requested materials will be mailed at the time the agenda is posted pursuant to Government Code 54954.2. Attachments for this meeting are available in PDF on the agenda posted on our website at: www.shasta.lafco.ca.gov . Please let us know if you have difficulties downloading the attachments.

a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance offered by Commissioner Fyten


Members of the public are invited to address the Commission at this time regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this agenda, and that are within the jurisdiction of LAFCO. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

a. Additions/Changes to the Agenda* Chair/Counsel

*Note: Only the following additions/changes are permitted: (1) To change the order of noticed agenda items, (2) determine to continue or not consider a noticed agenda item, or (3) Discussion/Action on an item not appearing on the posted agenda if a defined statutory emergency situation is determined to exist by a majority vote of the legislative body (GC 56954.2(b)(1) and GC 54956.5)

b. Business/Campaign Conflict Disclosures**

**Note: Government C ode Section 84608 requires that a Commissioner (regular or alternate) disqualify herself or himself and not participate in a proceeding involving an “entitlement for use” application if, within the last twelve (12) months, the Commissioner has received $250.00 or more in business or campaign contributions from an applicant, an agent of an applicant, or any financially interested person who actively supports or opposes a decision on the matter. A LAFCO decision approving a proposal (e.g., for an annexation) will often be an “entitlement for use” within the meaning of Section 84308. Sphere of Influence determinations are exempt under Government Code Section 84308. If you are an applicant or an agent of an applicant on such a matter to be heard by the Commission and you have made business or campaign contributions totaling $250.00 or more to any Commissioner in the past twelve (12) months, Section 84308(d) requires that you disclose that fact for the official record of the proceeding. The disclosure of any such contribution (including the amount of the contribution and the name of the recipient Commissioner) must be made either 1) in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Commission prior to the hearing on the matter, or 2) By oral declaration made at the time the hearing on the matter is opened.


5. CONSENT CALENDAR (Government Coded 56857)
a. Approval of minutes
1) October 2, 2014 Meeting

b. Financial Status Reports for 1st Quarter FY 2014/15
1) Revenue Statement
2) Budget v. Actual
3) Financial Statement
4) Balance Sheet

c. Notification/Status of pending and/or new applications (information only)
1) #2012-03 – Mayers Memorial HD/Annexation #1; (circulated to agencies)
2) #2013-03 – Mountain Gate CSD/Union School Road Reorganization (pending completion of Property Tax Exchange agreements)
3) #2013-04 – Deschutes Reorganization (on 9/11/2014 applicant requested LAFCO delay filing notice of completion; project in abeyance, awaiting submittal of final documents and fees)
4) #2014-01 – Shasta CSD/Foxwood #2 Reorganization received 07/10/2014 (circulated to agencies)
5) #2014-02 – Burney WD/Highmark Annexation received 07/15/2014 (circulated to agencies)

6. Payment of Claims FY 2013-2014

a. Consulting Services Claims
1) 2012-03 Annexation No. 1 (Mayers Memorial Healthcare District)

7. Correspondence (information only)
a. CALAFCO correspondence
b. CALAFCO University Calendar of Training Programs

Please Note: Only those issues which are brought up at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the LAFCO Commissioners at or prior to the hearing, may be raised in any legal challenge to the actions taken by the Commission.

a. Continued SOI/MSR Update Hearings:

1) Burney Water District (hearing continued from 10/02 for finalization) Exhibit AExhibit BExhibit CExhibit DExhibit EExhibit FExhibit GExhibit H, Exhibit IExhibit J
2) Burney Fire Protection District (hearing continued from 10/02 for finalization)Exhibit AExhibit BExhibit CExhibit D
3) Mayers Memorial Healthcare District (hearing continued from 10/02 for finalization) Exhibit AExhibit BExhibit CExhibit DExhibit EExhibit FExhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I
4) City of Shasta Lake (continued from 09/04/14; new hearing), Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I
5) Centerville Community Services District (continued from 09/04/14; new hearing) Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J, Exhibit K, Exhibit L

b. SOI/MSR Update Hearings:
1) Shasta Lake Fire Protection District (correct SOI boundary) Exhibit A
2) Fall River Valley Coordinated FRV Service Area (new hearing) Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J

9. NEW BUSINESS: Miscellaneous non-project or Commission initiated matters
a. Renew Building Rental Agreement (Discussion/Action)

a. Continued, non-hearing related matters (Possible Action):
b. Commission Committee Reports (information):
1) Fiscal Committee
2) Executive Committee
3) Next Committee Meetings @ Shasta LAFCO offices:
i. November 10, 2014 for 11/20 special meeting (Executive, 3 PM)
ii. November 24, 2014 for 12/04 regular meeting (Fiscal, 10 AM ; Executive 3 PM)

a. Administrative & Operations
b. Master MSR/SOI Study Update (CDFW fees)
c. CALAFCO Annual Conference

a. Items:
1) Pursuant to GC Section 54956.9(c): Potential Litigation (one matter)
2) Pursuant to GC Section 54956.9(c): Potential Litigation (one matter)

b. Announcement of reportable actions, if any.


a. Conferences, meetings, and events of interest to Commissioners:
b. Next Meeting: November 20th at the Anderson City Council Chambers
c. Future proposed agenda items:
1) Continuation of MSR/SOI reviews;
2) Presentation of applications as they mature to hearing stage.