Special Meeting January 13, 2011

(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 9:01 am at the Redding Civic Center Council Chambers, 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA. Commissioners Kehoe, Farr, Fust, Gover, and Haynes were present. Incoming Commissioner Patrick Jones was present as a member of the audience pending approval of his position by the City to replace Commissioner Dickerson. Commissioner Baugh was absent. Executive Officer Mickelson and Mary Hill were present as staff. Alternate Commissioners Morgan and Mathena were present as members of the audience.

Commissioner Haynes led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted.

The minutes of September 30, 2010 and October 14, 2010 were presented. By motions made and seconded (Fust, Haynes) the Commission approved the September 30, 2010 and October 14, 2010 minutes.

Fiscal Year 2010-11 2nd Quarter Transaction Register
The Fiscal Year 2010-11 2nd Quarter Transaction Register was presented for review and adoption. Commissioner Haynes asked for clarification of the SPLITS listed in the Memo column for check #s 1473, 1474, 1490, and 1510. Ms. Mickelson explained that a SPLIT represents more than one account in the transaction, saying that check # 1474 were split between mileage and conference costs, and check # 1510 were split between software and tech support. Ms. Mickelson said a revised the Transaction Register would be rerun with the clarifications and emailed to Commissioner Haynes next week.
Ms. Mickelson also responded to Commissioner Haynes’s concern over check #s 1511, 1512, 1545, 1546, 1551, and 1552 from the Transaction Register. Ms. Mickelson said check #s 1511 and 1512 were pulled and rewritten, and that the remaining checks were posted after the first of the year. Commissioner Haynes asked about transaction #s 243, 244, and 245 and Ms. Mickelson responded that they are electronic transactions, not checks and due to personnel changes at the end of the year, a clearer Transaction Register will be forthcoming. The Commissioners agreed to approve a revised 2nd Quarter Transaction Register at the next meeting.

Consideration of Checking Account Statements
Ms. Mickelson presented the following bank statements: US Bank: three statements dated September 30, 2010, October 31, 2010, and November 30, 2010; Tri Counties Bank: four statements dated August 17, 2010, September 19, 2010, October 17, 2010, and November 17, 2010; and LAIF: three statements dated October 2010, November 2010, and December 2010. By motion made and seconded (Farr, Fust) the Commission approved the bank statements as presented.

Fiscal Year 2010-11 Mid-Year Budget Update
Ms. Mickelson presented the budget update and pointed out that many line items have 50% or more of funds remaining for the fiscal year. She mentioned that the budget is reflected through December 20, 2010, with a few transactions not included. By motion made and seconded (Kehoe, Gover) the Commission approved mid-year budget update as presented.

Naming of Budget Committee
Commissioner Gover recommended that they proceed with the people on last year’s commission: Commissioners Mathena, Baugh, and Farr. (No motion was raised??)

Municipal Services Reviews:
Ms. Mickelson said their were no MSRs to present. The City of Anderson bumped the issue from their agenda and will be in the March agenda. In reviewing the Status Report she expected some of the items to be adopted in March.

Report on Upcoming or Potential Proposals
The Executive Officer provided a brief report to the Commissioners regarding upcoming and expected proposals. Ms. Mickelson said no deposits were being made. This was an information item only. No action was taken.

Analyst Position Opening
Ms. Mickelson pointed out that the position was advertised as part-time and the reason for Jessica Smith’s departure was due to a reduction in hours.

Naming of Final Interview Committee
Ms. Mickelson asked for volunteers to do a second interview with the final candidates for the Analyst Position opening. Commissioners Kehoe and Farr volunteered and Commissioner Gover said he would be an alternate interviewer.

None was stated.

Commissioner Farr mentioned he attended a meeting the previous evening regarding the City of Redding becoming a charter city. He asked Ms. Mickelson what the effect would be to LAFCO if Redding became a charter city. Ms. Mickelson said she would provide an answer at the next meeting.

Commissioner Haynes pointed out that she was aware of another annexation of a small parcel of land into the ACID in Anderson.

Ms. Mickelson reiterated the importance of Patrick Jones being selected by the City.

In mentioning the CSDA/SDRMA workshop January 14, Ms. Mickelson stated that there was short notice given for this event and it may have been difficult for districts to attend. Commissioner Fust thanked Commissioner Haynes for a similar program that took place based on the Brown Act that requires training every two years. Commissioner Fust asked if that training counted as ethics training and wanted the CSDA training explained. Ms. Mickelson said training is available as Webinars through passwords. She said she could make passwords for these Webinars available next week.

The next Regular LAFCO Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the City of Anderson Council Chambers.

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 9:31 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy K. Mickelson
Executive Director

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
10:00 am

Shasta LAFCO Office
2516 Goodwater Avenue, Suite A
Redding, CA 96002

FPPC NOTICE TO ALL PARTIES AND PARTICIPANTS IN LAFCO PROCEEDINGS: All parties and participants, as well as persons at this meeting, or agents to a proceeding before this agency involving a license, permit, or other entitlement for use or any annexation or detachment, are required to disclose on the record of the proceeding any contributions made within the proceeding twelve (12) months that total $250 or more by the party or participant, or his or her agent, to any officer of this agency before the commencement thereof.



  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Review of Agenda Material for Regular Meeting
    Review and discuss the draft agenda and associated material for the January 13th Special Meeting. Amend as necessary and direct the Executive Officer to mail and post.
  3. Adjournment

Executive Committee Meeting – January 5, 2011

(This record is not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Committee’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Committee’s deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 10:00 am in the Shasta LAFCO office, 2516
Goodwater Avenue, Suite A, Redding, California.

Commissioners Present: Fust, Gover and Kehoe

Commissioners Absent: None

Staff Present: Executive Officer Mickelson

The draft agenda for January 13, 2011 was presented by staff. Each item was reviewed and discussed.

After review of the agenda items, the Executive Committee directed staff to mail/post the agenda and materials as prepared.

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 10:30 am.

Amy K. Mickelson Date
Executive Officer

Special Meeting
October 14, 2010
9:00 am

Redding City Council Chambers
777 Cypress Avenue
Redding, California 96001

The Local Agency Formation Commission welcomes you to its meetings which are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of every other month beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in the Shasta County Administrative Building or a City Council Chambers of an incorporated city in Shasta County, in or around Redding, California. (From time to time a meeting date, place and/or time may be changed due to holidays or other conditions which necessitate doing so.) Your interest is encouraged and appreciated.

If requested, the agenda and documents in the agenda packet shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ( 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Upon receipt of the written request, the legislative body or its designee shall cause the requested materials to be mailed at the time the agenda is posted. . . “ (Section 54954.2)


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call:
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Farr
  3. Public Comment: Members of the public may address the Commission concerning matters within the jurisdiction of LAFCO which are not listed on the agenda. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person. No action may be taken on these matters.
  4. Operations & Administration:
    1. Relocation of the LAFCO Office (Action)
  5. Commissioner Announcements
  6. Staff Announcements
    1. Next Regular LAFCO Meeting: December 2nd at Redding City Council Chambers
  7. Adjournment

Special Meeting October 14, 2010
(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 9:00 am at the Redding Council Chambers, 777 Cypress Ave, Redding, CA. Commissioners Baugh, Dickerson, Fust, Gover, Haynes, Kehoe and Webster were present. Executive Officer Mickelson and Clerk Smith were present as staff. Alternate Commissioner Morgan and Mathena were present as members of the audience.

Commissioner Kehoe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted.

Possible Relocation of the LAFCO Office

At the September 30, 2010 LAFCO meeting discussion regarding the available office space and the Executive officer’s recommendation occurred. At that time Commissioner Haynes provided additional MLS listings to the Commission and it was determined that it was too difficult to make a decision at that time given the additional information to consider. The Commission directed a Committee, comprised of Chairman Gover, Commissioner Baugh and the Executive Officer, to further investigate other potential properties that would meet the needs of LAFCO and report the findings back to the full Commission.

Ms. Mickelson stated that at the conclusion of the September 30, 2010 meeting, she met with two realtors and began to research the MLS listings provided by Commissioner Haynes. Additionally she extended negotiations with the two Goodwater properties shown on the summary report. Both were willing to freeze the 3% increase for the first two years of a three-year lease and to provide one month free rent with a three year lease signed.

Ms. Mickelson stated that she would still recommend the 2516 Goodwater (Suite A) property as the best option available and suggested that in the future LAFCO could possibly sub-lease office space if the right arrangement came alone. The agency would save approximately $11,500 over a three year period with

out any sub-lease situation. She reminded the Commission that each month this is delayed LAFCO will be paying an additional $302 per month in lease payments in order to remain at the current location.

Commissioner Baugh asked if the total savings excluded the cost of janitorial. Ms. Mickelson stated that based on the Commission’s discussion at the September meeting she had excluded the cost of janitorial. Commissioner Baugh stated his disappointment about not being able to find a lease that didn’t include any increases. He originally advised the Executive Officer that he would not be supportive of any lease that included a rate increase; however, taking into consideration the additional expense of staying at the current location he was ambivalent about a lease that included a rate increase.

Commissioner Haynes asked if LAFCO could sign a two year lease and revisit this item in the future. In response, Ms. Mickelson stated she researched properties based on a three year lease and many of the concessions the property owners were willing to make was due to the fact that a three year lease was being negotiated.

Commissioner Kehoe stated that he was supportive of the Goodwater location and was concerned that a sub-lease option was included in the lease. Ms. Mickelson stated that a sub-lease option had been verbally approved and she would see to it that it was included in the lease should the Commission decide to move forward.

Commissioner Fust supported the Goodwater location. Commissioners Webster and Dickerson concurred.

By motion made and seconded (Fust/Baugh) the Commission directed the Executive Officer to send a Thirty-Day Notice of Intent to Vacate 1737 Yuba Street, Suite B, dated October 15, 2020; to negotiate and sign a lease for 2516 Goodwater, Suite A; and to begin the proceedings to move the LAFCO office and all LAFCO storage materials to the 2516 Goodwater, Suite A location.

There were no Commissioner announcements.

The next Regular LAFCO Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at the Redding Council Chambers.

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 9:17 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Smith
Clerk to the Commission

Special Meeting September 30, 2010
(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 9:00 am at the Anderson Council Chambers, 1887
Howard Street, Anderson, CA. Commissioners Baugh, Fust, Gover, Haynes, Kehoe and Webster were present. Commissioner Dickerson was absent. Executive Officer Mickelson and Clerk Smith were present as staff. Alternate Commissioner Morgan and Mathena were present as members of the audience.

Commissioner Webster led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted.

The minutes of August 05, 2010 were presented. By motion made and seconded (Baugh, Fust) the
Commission approved the August 05, 2010 minutes.

Fiscal Year 2010-11 1st Quarter Transaction Register
The Fiscal Year 2010-11 1st Quarter Transaction Register was presented for review and adoption. By motion made and seconded (Baugh, Kehoe) the Commission approved the Fiscal Year 2010-11 1st Quarter Transaction Register.

Consideration of Checking Account Statements
Ms. Mickelson presented the following bank statements: US Bank: two statements dated July 31, 2010 and August 31, 2010; Tri Counties Bank: one statement dated August 17, 2010; and LAIF: two statements dated July 2010 and August 2010. By motion made and seconded (Fust, Haynes) the Commission approved the bank statements as presented.

Municipal Services Reviews: City of Anderson Administrative Draft
Ms. Mickelson presented the Commission with a draft copy of the City of Anderson Municipal Services Review. She stated that this document is a starting point and not a final document. She added that there will be changes made to the language and to the determinations.

Commissioner Baugh asked about the response received from Cottonwood FPD regarding the MSR. Ms. Mickelson stated that the issue raised by the Cottonwood FPD is not an issue with the City of Anderson; rather the issue is with the Anderson FPD. She added that the concern from the Cottonwood FPD is an item of continuing discussion and will be addressed during the sphere process.

Commissioner Fust asked if the Planning Area referred to in the document was the LAFCO Sphere of Influence. Ms. Mickelson stated that is not the Sphere of Influence, it is an area that the City desires to serve in the future.

Commissioner Kehoe asked what the estimated timeline of completion would be. Ms. Mickelson felt that the revised final City of Anderson MSR would likely come before them in December or January.

Commissioner Haynes asked if there were four or five lift stations, as the document stated both numbers. Ms. Mickelson stated that there were five lift stations and any reference to four would be corrected. Commissioner Haynes added that she felt there were some bold statements made by LAFCO in the document.

At this time, Mark Teag, the consultant who prepared the City of Anderson MSR addressed the Commission. He stated that much research and time has gone into compiling the MSR. He added that LAFCO provided him with a starting point for the document and acknowledged that each agency has it’s own vocabulary and expected there to be changes to the language of the document. The Commission thanked Mark Teag for his work on the MSR.

By motion made and seconded (Baugh, Kehoe) the Commission approved the City of Anderson Draft
Municipal Services Review.

Report on Upcoming or Potential Proposals
The Executive Officer provided a brief report to the Commissioners regarding upcoming and expected proposals. This was an information item only. No action was taken.

Possible Relocation of the LAFCO Office
Chairman Gover stated that Commissioner Haynes provided some additional office rental locations to the Commission and staff just prior to the meeting.
At the direction of the Commission during the recent budget discussion, Ms. Mickelson spoke with the current landlord about a possible rent reduction. She stated that the only concession the landlord was willing to make was a freeze on the CPI raise that was included in the current lease agreement for the

current period and for a future contract. She informed the Commission that the current cost for the approximately 600 square foot office space is approximately $2.12 per square foot, which includes shared common areas, storage space within the building, and shared restroom facilities which are cleaned weekly.

Ms. Mickelson reported meeting with various realtors and researching available office locations. She found four potential locations and provided a comparison summary to the Commission. She stated that there will be several one-time costs associated with a move and estimates these costs to be approximately $2,000. Her recommendation to the Commission was to either stay at the currently location or begin the necessary steps in order to lease the 2516 Goodwater, Suite A property.

Commissioner Fust asked when the current lease expired. Ms. Mickelson stated that the lease expires on November 15, 2010. Additionally she stated that if the Commission should decide to move forward, LAFCO would need to give a thirty day notice. Commissioner Fust then commented that most of the real estate listings that Commissioner Haynes provided were smaller than 500 square feet and did not feel that that would be enough space for the LAFCO office to function efficiently. He felt it was too soon to make a decision. Commissioner Kehoe concurred.

Commissioner Kehoe asked if the current landlord understood that LAFCO would be moving offices if they were not able make any adjustments to the rent. Ms. Mickelson stated that the landlord was aware of LAFCOs intentions and he felt that due to potential future development he would not have any issues leasing out the office space. Commissioner Kehoe added that he was not supportive of a lease that included a 3% annual rent increase. Ms. Mickelson reminded the Commission that there have been no lease negotiations and potentially the 3% annual rent increase could be negotiated. Discussion followed.

By motion made and seconded (Baugh/Fust) the Commission directed a modified Executive Committee, comprised of Chairman Gover, Commissioner Baugh and the Executive Officer, to further investigate other potential properties that would meet the needs of LAFCO and report the findings back to the full Commission.

Ms. Mickelson reminded the Commission that LAFCO should give notice by October 15, 2010. In response, Commissioner Kehoe suggested calling a special meeting for this one item. The full Commission concurred.

CALAFCO Board Nominee Report
Ms. Mickelson informed the Commission that Commission Baugh withdrew his nomination and will not be pursing the position due to the cost involved, as well as being assured that there were multiple County nominees for the region.

Commissioner Haynes asked the Executive Officer where staff was at in regard to providing a Special District training. The Executive Officer stated that staff is diligently working with CSDA but has found that they are unwilling to lower their costs. Staff is still looking into other ways to move this forward in order to provide training at a reasonable cost.

Ms. Mickelson asked if the Commission would be available for a Special Meeting October 14, 2010 to review the findings of the modified Executive Committee.

The next Regular LAFCO Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at the Redding Council

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 10:20 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Smith Date
Clerk to the Commission