Special Meeting October 14, 2010
(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 9:00 am at the Redding Council Chambers, 777 Cypress Ave, Redding, CA. Commissioners Baugh, Dickerson, Fust, Gover, Haynes, Kehoe and Webster were present. Executive Officer Mickelson and Clerk Smith were present as staff. Alternate Commissioner Morgan and Mathena were present as members of the audience.

Commissioner Kehoe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted.

Possible Relocation of the LAFCO Office

At the September 30, 2010 LAFCO meeting discussion regarding the available office space and the Executive officer’s recommendation occurred. At that time Commissioner Haynes provided additional MLS listings to the Commission and it was determined that it was too difficult to make a decision at that time given the additional information to consider. The Commission directed a Committee, comprised of Chairman Gover, Commissioner Baugh and the Executive Officer, to further investigate other potential properties that would meet the needs of LAFCO and report the findings back to the full Commission.

Ms. Mickelson stated that at the conclusion of the September 30, 2010 meeting, she met with two realtors and began to research the MLS listings provided by Commissioner Haynes. Additionally she extended negotiations with the two Goodwater properties shown on the summary report. Both were willing to freeze the 3% increase for the first two years of a three-year lease and to provide one month free rent with a three year lease signed.

Ms. Mickelson stated that she would still recommend the 2516 Goodwater (Suite A) property as the best option available and suggested that in the future LAFCO could possibly sub-lease office space if the right arrangement came alone. The agency would save approximately $11,500 over a three year period with

out any sub-lease situation. She reminded the Commission that each month this is delayed LAFCO will be paying an additional $302 per month in lease payments in order to remain at the current location.

Commissioner Baugh asked if the total savings excluded the cost of janitorial. Ms. Mickelson stated that based on the Commission’s discussion at the September meeting she had excluded the cost of janitorial. Commissioner Baugh stated his disappointment about not being able to find a lease that didn’t include any increases. He originally advised the Executive Officer that he would not be supportive of any lease that included a rate increase; however, taking into consideration the additional expense of staying at the current location he was ambivalent about a lease that included a rate increase.

Commissioner Haynes asked if LAFCO could sign a two year lease and revisit this item in the future. In response, Ms. Mickelson stated she researched properties based on a three year lease and many of the concessions the property owners were willing to make was due to the fact that a three year lease was being negotiated.

Commissioner Kehoe stated that he was supportive of the Goodwater location and was concerned that a sub-lease option was included in the lease. Ms. Mickelson stated that a sub-lease option had been verbally approved and she would see to it that it was included in the lease should the Commission decide to move forward.

Commissioner Fust supported the Goodwater location. Commissioners Webster and Dickerson concurred.

By motion made and seconded (Fust/Baugh) the Commission directed the Executive Officer to send a Thirty-Day Notice of Intent to Vacate 1737 Yuba Street, Suite B, dated October 15, 2020; to negotiate and sign a lease for 2516 Goodwater, Suite A; and to begin the proceedings to move the LAFCO office and all LAFCO storage materials to the 2516 Goodwater, Suite A location.

There were no Commissioner announcements.

The next Regular LAFCO Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at the Redding Council Chambers.

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 9:17 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Smith
Clerk to the Commission


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