Regular Meeting June 2, 2011

(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Vice Chairman Fust called the meeting to order at 9:00 am at the Anderson City Council Chambers, 1887 Howard St., Anderson, CA. Commissioners Farr, Fust, Haynes, Mathena and Yarbrough were present. Commissioners Gover, Baugh and Kehoe were absent. Executive Officer Amy Mickelson and Clerk/Analyst Marissa Jackson were present as staff. Alternate Commissioners Jones and Morgan were present as members of the audience.

Commissioner Haynes led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted.

The Executive Officer presented the Fiscal Year 2011-12 Final Budget to the Commission. Ms. Mickelson noted there were no changes from the Draft Budget and offered to go over the Budget line by line. She also mentioned that the Budget Committee had not met since the Draft Budget hearing and did not have any recommended changes to the Final Budget as presented.

At 9:05 am, the public comment period on the 2011-12 Final Budget was opened. There being no comments, the public comment period was also closed at 9:05 am.

By motion made and seconded (Mathena, Yarbrough) the 2011-12 Final Budget was approved as presented.

The minutes of April 28, 2011 were presented. By motion made and seconded (Haynes, Mathena) the Commission approved the April 28, 2011 minutes.

Fiscal Year 2010-11 4th Quarter Transaction Register
The Fiscal Year 2010-11 4th Quarter Transaction Register was presented for review and adoption. By motion made and seconded (Mathena, Yarbrough) the 4th Quarter Transaction Register was approved.

Consideration of Checking Account Statements
The Executive Officer presented the following bank statements: US Bank statement dated 4/30/2011; Tri Counties Bank statement dated 4/17/2011; and LAIF statement dated 04/15/2011. By motion made and seconded (Haynes, Mathena) the Commission approved the bank statements as presented.

Report on Upcoming or Potential LAFCO Activity
The Executive Officer presented the report on current and projected LAFCO activity. Commissioner Farr requested the status of the Westlands Water District inquiry (from 2010). Ms. Mickelson reported that there has been no follow-up activity and no reportable Westlands Water District Board action. Commissioner Fust added that it had been dormant since our letter was sent. Ms. Mickelson noted that any activity on this matter would be placed on the agenda.

SDRMA Board of Directors Elections
The Executive Officer presented the SDRMA Board of Elections packet for Board consideration. Ms. Mickelson advised that the Commission has the option to vote due to our membership in SDRMA and CSDA. After some discussion, Commissioner Farr motioned to vote for Sandy Raffelson, Ed Gray and Edmund Sprague. The seconded was made by Commissioner Mathena. There was no further discussion on the matter.

Shasta LAFCO Records Retention Policy
The Executive Officer presented the Shasta LAFCO Records Retention Policy to the Commission and advised that there is currently no Records policy in place. Commissioner Fust asked who the ‘Clerk’ was. Ms. Mickelson advised that Marissa Jackson serves as Clerk to the Commission and would submit the form to the Executive Officer for approval. Commissioner Fust also asked where the documents would be stored and if scanned documents be destroyed. Ms. Mickelson advised that the documents are already in our possession, the Analyst has been scanning documents for some time and some can be destroyed, depending on the Records Retention Schedule. By motion made and seconded (Haynes, Yarbrough) the Commission approved the Records Retention Policy as presented.

Audit RFP
The Executive Officer reported to the Commission that Shasta LAFCO’s last independent financial audit was for fiscal year 2008-09. After some discussion, a motion was made (Mathena, Farr) directing the Executive Officer to draft and circulate an RFP and report back at the next meeting. Commissioner Fust recommended Commissioner Mathena to serve on the audit committee.

Website RFP
The Executive Officer reported that Shasta LAFCOs website needed to be updated and hosted in a different way than it has been in the past. Ms. Mickelson advised that staff is interested in learning to do so in-house, but would like to analyze costs prior to making a determination. After a brief discussion a motion was made (Mathena, Yarbrough) directing the staff to draft and circulate an RFP for website design and hosting.

California Forward: Smart Government Framework
The Executive Officer reports that she has been involved in many meetings regarding special districts over the past few months and California Forward is seemingly very interested in Special District consolidation and oversight. Ms. Mickelson stated that she wants to make sure the Commission is aware of this issue and she will continue to monitor the situation closely, reporting changes as they occur.

Gary Cadd, a member of the public, addressed the Commission stating that he felt California Forward was problematic and that we should take a close look at what it really represents, being careful of initiatives they bring forward.

Ms. Mickelson offered to reach out to the smaller counties in our area. Commissioner Mathena requested that Ms. Mickelson also attend the next Regional Transportation Planning Agency meeting.

Commissioner Haynes thanked Alternate Commissioners Jones, Mathena and Morgan for consistently attending meetings. She stated her concern that no alternate has been present for the County and asked for suggestions as to stimulate or encourage participation.

Ms. Mickelson reminded the Commission that the next LAFCO Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 9:00 am at Redding City Council Chambers.

There being no further business, Vice Chairman Fust adjourned the meeting at 9:53 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Marissa Jackson
Clerk to the Commission


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