Regular Meeting April 28, 2011

(These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcription of the proceedings and discussion associated with the business on the Commission’s agenda; rather, what follows is a summary of the order of business and general nature of testimony, Commission deliberation, and action taken.)

Chairman Gover called the meeting to order at 9:02 am in the Shasta County Board of Supervisors Chambers, 1450 Court Street, Suite 263, Redding, CA. Commissioners Farr, Fust, Gover, Kehoe, Yarbrough and Haynes were present. Commissioner Baugh was absent. Executive Officer Amy Mickelson, Clerk/Analyst Marissa Jackson and Mary Hill were present as staff. Alternate Commissioners Jones, Mathena and Morgan were present as members of the audience.

Commissioner Yarbrough led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was no public comment submitted. However, in honor of Take Your Daughter to Work Day, Ms. Mickelson extended a warm welcome to Ava Jackson, daughter of Clerk/Analyst Marissa Jackson. Commissioner Kehoe invited Ms. Ava Jackson to sit at the panel alongside her mother. The Chair and full Commission concurred. Ms. Ava Jackson was then seated at the Clerk of the Board’s station.

The Executive Officer presented the proposed Fiscal Year 2011-12 Draft Budget. Ms. Mickelson noted that LAFCO should finish the current Fiscal Year slightly under budget. Ms. Mickelson proceeded to review the proposed budget and answered questions as they were asked during the budget presentation.

Commissioner Farr asked for clarification regarding the Benefits Reserve Account. Ms. Mickelson advised that those monies were to provide benefits for the Clerk/Analyst position if it were necessary for that position to return to a full-time position during the upcoming Fiscal Year. It is not anticipated that the position will necessitate a full-time allocation, but she does want to budget for it in the event that several proposals are filed simultaneously.

Commissioner Fust questioned the year notation (2010-11) for the line item of Postage & Shipping. Ms. Mickelson acknowledged that it should be 2011-12, as should the Postage line item.
Commissioner Fust asked if the budget had been posted on the Shasta LAFCO website. Ms. Mickelson stated that it had. She also noted that it had been emailed or mailed to each of the Special Districts, Cities and the County.

Regarding Transportation/Travel – Commission Training, Ms. Mickelson advised the Commission that this item had not been included for several years, but there are potential legislative changes in the coming year which may warrant Commission education. She also pointed out that the Napa location would allow Commissioners to drive, thus keeping costs to a minimum. Commissioner Fust asked when the CALAFCO Annual Conference in Napa would be held. Ms. Mickelson replied that the conference would be held August 31 – September 2, 2011.

At 9:32 am, the Public comment period on the 2011-12 Draft Budget was opened. There were no comments submitted, thus the Public comment period was closed at 9:32 am.

By motion made and seconded (Kehoe, Fust) the Fiscal Year 2011-12 Draft Budget was approved as submitted. Commissioner Fust provided the second and thanked Commissioners Farr, Mathena and Ms. Mickelson for their effort in putting the Draft Budget together.

The minutes of March 3, 2011 were presented. By motion made and seconded (Haynes, Yarbrough), the Commission approved the March 3, 2011 minutes. Commissioner Fust abstained due to his absence from said meeting.

Fiscal Year 2010-11 3rd Quarter Transaction Register
The corrected Fiscal Year 2010-11 3rd Quarter Transaction Register was distributed for review. By motion made and seconded (Gover, Kehoe) the 3rd Quarter Transaction Register was approved.

Fiscal Year 2010-11 4th Quarter Transaction Register and Consideration of Checking Account Statements
The corrected Fiscal Year 2010-11 4th Quarter Transaction Register was distributed for review.

The Commission considered the checking account statements as presented.

By motion made and seconded (Kehoe, Farr), the Commission approved the 4th Quarter Transaction Register and the checking account statements as presented.

Report on Upcoming or Potential LAFCO Activity
Ms. Mickelson reported that the Salt Creek Detachment is an expected proposal which, over the years has been listed under several different project names. This project is actually a correction of a minor error that occurred during a previous LAFCO reorganization involving the City of Redding and Shasta CSD. The City and District are considering a contract to transfer responsibilities and assets. Once that agreement is in place, staff expects the project to be filed with LAFCO.

There are two ACID proposals that are currently being re-circulated under CEQA. Staff has met with the District Manager and would expect both proposals to be filed in the coming months.

No reports

None stated

Commissioner Gover requested that Ms. Mickelson introduce members of the audience which included; Mary Hill, Alternate Commissioners Patrick Jones, John Mathena and Stephen Morgan. Shasta County Administrative Officer Larry Lees was also present and introduced.

Ms. Mickelson informed the Commission that the next LAFCO Meeting would be held on Thursday, June 2, 2011, at 9:00 am at Anderson City Council Chambers. She noted that this was a different date than previously planned.

There being no further business, Chairman Gover adjourned the meeting at 9:43 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy K. Mickelson
Executive Officer, Acting Clerk to the Commission


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